George Takei's Allegiance (2016)

Allegiance illuminates one of American history's lesser known chapters as it tells the story of Sam Kimura, transported back nearly six decades to when his younger self and his sister Kei fought to stay connected to their heritage, their family and themselves after Japanese Americans were wrongfully imprisoned during World War II. An important story told with great resonance and intimacy, Allegiance explores the ties that bind us, the struggle to persevere and the overwhelming power of forgiveness and, most especially, love

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Domestic (100%)
International ()
Summary Details
Domestic DistributorFathom Events
See full company information
Domestic Opening$784,850
Earliest Release DateFebruary 19, 2017 (Domestic)
Running Time2 hr 10 min

By Release

Release GroupRolloutMarketsDomesticInternationalWorldwide
Original ReleaseFebruary 19, 2017Domestic$784,850$784,850
2018 Re-releaseDecember 11, 2018Domestic$117,162$117,162

By Region

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